Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Peditricans, Diapers and Swings

So this is turning into a big selection week before the kid shows up. We have been going fast and furious trying to make sure everything is in place and ready. I feel like we are within striking distance of being real adults on this whole being ready business. Although last night we made it to these three issues that are giving me fits.

The Pediatrician issue though I guess isn't giving me fits, we're just not sure what to do about it. We've gone to see 4 of them and we really like 2, so that one might get the final decision once labor starts. One had a doctor we both liked a lot and a nice atmosphere to it, while the other had the best doctor we met with but was really busy and (to me) seemed a little less personal. And this is just a side note, but did anyone else notice that all the people who answer the phones at pediatricians are not super nice??? Or is this just an Ohio thing?

Diapers are the next thing that is currently flustering me. I know it should be super easy to go with normal diapers and be done with it. But part of me wants to try to be environmentally responsible about it. Like whatever hormones this kid has stirred in my body wants me to try to do everything I can to make he and his kids have a place to live when they grow old. So Cora suggested we look at clothe diapers based on the suggestion of one of her favorite bloggers Amalah. After I got over the shock of the price tag I thought, ok ... well maybe, but then we started thinking of how much of a time commitment washing that stuff would be and well I don't know if the planet is worth all that. Especially given our schedules to begin with I don't want that stress. So we then started looking at gDiapers which her friend told us about and I kind of like. It's the best of both worlds, I don't have to do laundry all the time and it doesn't kill the environment. I think I want to add them at least as a part of our overall diaper strategy. But of course it should also be noted that I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'm a pretty good consumer. In fact if for some reason the economy comes roaring back next month I'm pretty sure I will be the one that did it. The amount of stuff we have bought for this is pretty amazing. And I'm not kidding, I will take credit for it till the day I die if the economy comes back magically. But anyway, I can not find a baby swing to buy for the life of me. Babies 'R' Us, Target, Wal-mart ... none of them have a swing that gets decent reviews for a decent price. It's amazing, like I'm not looking for anything fancy, nothing with laser light shows or dolby surround sound speakers. Just a swing that will rock my kid back and forth till he sleeps before mommy and daddy tear their hair out will do. But I don't really see anything. The leader right now is this because Target has it for pretty cheap and we have a 10% off coupon. Is there consensus on baby swings on the internet that I don't know about?

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