Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Election '08

So I want a change.

I've been skirting around who I'm going to vote for in my head for a while. I keep telling myself: "You're supposed to be a republican, you get angry easily" in the hopes that I will be able to pull myself to vote republican in this election. But listening to NPR everyday (don't judge me internet) I can't help but think of what a sorry state we are in. Really for me it's how crappy the economy is that is bringing me down. I look at the next 2 to 4 years and think: "I'd like to buy a bigger house", "I'd like to invest more", "I'd like to have fun", and that's none of that is going to be possible if the economy continues to suck. I am strongly in favor of a free market, I don't think government should get too involved but seriously you can't stand around while every doffus in the world is slinging mortgages to anyone that can sign their name.

So basically I'm discontent with the last 8 years of Republican leadership. Sorry John McCain this means I'm not going to vote for you. I just don't see how he's going to be very different. He supports unchecked free markets and big business ... which is basically what got us in this mess. For a while there I tried to trick myself into thinking I could vote for Huckabee, but that has faded for me. I think if Huckabee was going to be the republican nominee it would be more of a decision for me just for the fact that Mike Huckabee seems to be a person of substance.

Hillary Clinton ... I have problems with voting for her. I've never really been able to put my finger on it. She's never struck me as a leader, she's always struck me as someone who is riding a leaders coat tails. She has never done anything to seperate herself in my mind, it seems as if she has safe middle of the road policies that coupled with the Clinton name has allowed her to be in this race. That's all I can figure because she doesn't seem presidential to me, she's not an amazing speaker, she doesn't have bold and pragmatic policies that I have seen. So it's not that I hate Hillary ... I just don't see a reason to vote for her.

So that leaves Barack Obama, and really I don't see a reason not to vote for him. I like what I hear from him and I like that he has a vision. He speaks with a passion and conviction. He doesn't seem like he wants to be President just to say he's done it, he seems like he wants to make a difference. That makes me want to vote for him and I most likely will.

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