Friday, February 29, 2008

I am not a fan

So read this

First of all that's some crap to begin with. I don't really hold it against Bill Cunningham because he's a jerk ... that wasn't a secret before that little episode. In fact I'm really not in shock that something like this happened, what I am in shock about is that the Clinton called him looking for his endorsement. Even the republican party was like woah, that guy went to far, but Hillary decided that the 14 votes that Bill Cunningham's name carries was worth it.

I also find it insulting that Bill Cunningham talking after the rally played it off like he wasn't trying to imply anything by out of no where emphasizing Hussein in Barack Obama's name. It's that same" I'm so smart" and "I can play the game better than you" attitude that has turned me off to conservative politics. Apparently he had previously referred to him as Barack Hussein Mohamed Obama, citing a website that was obviously false.

So in summation, I think Hillary Clinton is dumb for even courting that kind of support and I am using Bill Cunningham as a scape goat for conservative politics in general.

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