Thursday, March 6, 2008

More Politics!

I apologize to both of you who read this for writing about political stuff all the time, I know you don't really care but I can't help it.

So I read today that Florida wants to have it's primary delegates recognized even though it was told that they wouldn't be. A little back story here, the national parties schedule these so that states that have populations over than lilly white have an early say in who the candidates should be. I can see the logic in this, it gives small states a chance to have their issues addressed and helps the candidates prove that they have depth before they get a footing in the race. Fine, it's been this way for years why mess with it? Well Florida decided it wasn't getting it's "propers" and decided it was an important state and wanted to be a big name in deciding who was going to get the nomination each year. It moved it's primary up into the first set of primaries thinking this would automatically make it a player. So the Democratic National Committee said, that's not cool it works against what we're trying to do ... letting a lot of old white retired people have that much of a say doesn't cut it for us so your delegates won't count. And Florida was cool with it, they decided it was more important to have it's place in the process rather than have it's process count. It wasn't just the republican govenor either, this was voted on and approved by the state legislator ... so it's not like there is one person or one party to blame. I assume the logic was there is usually a consensus candidate anyway so we'll just be one of the first to rubber stamp them, who cares if our delegates don't count.

I would be peeved if I were one of the other 50 states. Why follow the rules at all then? I think it should serve them right if one of the most contested primaries in recent history is decided with out them, it will serve them right for getting greedy with it. I mean really you would think they would want to lay low after you know ... botching an entire presidential election.


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