Friday, July 24, 2009

Another post about that wedding video

So I'm sure everyone has seen this by now. Quite frankly I hope you all have because it's awesome. When I watched it for the first time, like I'm guessing a lot of people, I was like why didn't we do that??? And then I thought to myself because I'm pretty sure members of both of our families would have soiled themselves the second that guy threw his programs in the air (which would not have been cool at our wedding ... I folded a lot of those). After the 4th or 5th viewing however, I came away with a different line of thinking. And I'm not sure if I should feel old for for it or not, but I thought how I hope we raise our little guy to be that guy. To not be afraid to be his own person. If he wants to moonwalk down the isle then I just hope he doesn't make Cora and I do it before him. Although ... I'm sure I could find my Rhinestone glove by then.

I'm pretty sure this is not something that I would have thought about before our little guy was born. But it's stuff that I like to think about now. It gives me hope that maybe he'll be cool when he grows up unlike his dad ;)

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