Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Q: Who has two thumbs and is a terrible blogger?

A: This guy!

So yeah ... it's been almost a month since I have posted anything. TERRIBLE. I really don't have a good excuse either. Right now is an awesome time for our little guy. He's totally becoming more aware, more active and mostly more awesome. I could have squeezed a post out of something. Maybe about the gigabytes of video we've been taking of him trying to roll over. He currently is trying to not commit to which he wants to do first, front to back or back to front. I'm pretty sure front to back is imminent, but the back to front sometimes looks like it may happen too. Every morning Cora and I sit in his nursery and encourage him on with multiple cameras trained ... so far no dice, but he is SO close.

Another fun fact about our little guy is that he has also decided to sleep less which is less awesome. For instance this evening after falling asleep while being held, he would wake up every time I'd lay him down. So when I finally got him asleep I was too afraid to make noise leaving the room and so I ended up commando crawling out of my own bedroom. The worst part was when I closed the door and stood up and thought nothing was wrong with it.

In non-kid related news I think I'm going to dip my foot into the twitter verse. I'm still totally unconvinced that it's as cool as everyone makes it out to be ... but I was bored. I still haven't "tweeted" but I almost did. I think I'll get sucked into because it seems so mindless.

Anyway, I am going to try to be a better blogger ... I'm not making any promises. Hopefully y'all hear more from me soon!

1 comment:

Philly said...

Happy tweeting... i will have to check in on you some day (Like when I am supposed to be working)