Thursday, March 13, 2008

I blame this on Rush Limbaugh

I guess I was a little busy blaming myself for Barak Obama's loss in Ohio to think clearly about the whole situation. Really I should have been able to figure this out for myself but sadly I needed this article from wired for the light bulb to turn on. I even pointed out pretty much any area with a real democratic base went for Obama so it's hard to imagine why every ever rural county in Ohio vote for Hill-dog? She ran in Ohio on helping the manufacturing save their jobs ... but all the places that had manufacturing went for Obama. So really I was confused and blamed myself for the whole situation when apparently Rush Limbaugh is to blame.

But I mean if you think about it from a republican point of view it makes sense. Hillary is probably easier to beat, she plays by the same rules that every other candidate who has ever run for office. That means there is a definite play book to use against her and there is only so many times she can say that she's being picked on, or try to run for cover. I'm not saying Obama is some kind of paradigm breaker or savior, but he has made his campaign about idea's instead of tactics. It's easier to defend ideas and try to stand on merit than to be constantly trying to out maneuver an opponent. So really if I was thinking of it as a strictly strategic decision I get it ... but it's just not right.

It's just another example of what has turned me off about the republican party as of late. It's not like I don't still share the same ideals, but ever since W started running it's seems like it's about winning at all costs and not about winning because it's right. It's like when W. won't play nice with congress, or tries to expand executive powers ... it's not about doing it because it's right it's about doing it because he can to do what he wants. It's just frustrating and as a voter it makes me fee like I'm left out of the system.

But anyway I wanted to throw that out there.

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