Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Last night on Idol!

I don't know how to type like Ryan Seacrest talks.  I really wanted the title to sound mocking but after reading it I think it makes me sound fruity ... but I'll leave it anyway.  I'm not sure who else wants to read what I think about American Idol, but I figure since I have to watch why not write about it.

The ones I liked most (in order):
Chikezie (although the realization that he was wearing a green sweat band with a watch on it some how makes me like this less)
Brooke White
Amanda Overmeyer

The ones I liked the least (in order):
David Hernandez
Michael John
Syesha Mercado

Other Notes:
I did not hate what ever it was Kristy Lee Cook did.  I mean it wasn't good, but I thought it was cool to do something different than just trying to sing it the exact same as the Beatles already did (cough, cough, Michael Johns, cough, Ramiele Maluby, cough).  I also don't think David Cook is all that great, the Hello thing was cool but leave my Elenor Rigby alone. 

1 comment:

Cora said...

You do not HAVE to watch it! I have never ever enforced a mandatory American Idol viewing. You watch it of your own free will. OWN.FREE.WILL.
