Friday, April 3, 2009

About last night ...

I'm going to start out by just saying: My wife is amazing. Truly, genuinely and utterly amazing. Really I'm fighting the urge to use potential curse words as adjectives because really she is that kind of good. I'm also trying to avoid the effects of exhaustion to write this, but I wanted our friends and family(really anyone) to know about it and keep it in mind when reading what is to follow.

I'm at a loss for words really about everything leading up to now. I'm trying in my sleep deprived mind to form coherent thoughts enough to tell you about how the birth of our little guy went. I guess a high level view goes as follows. Cora was induced and was stuck to the hospital bed for about 10 hours. An epidural and about 10 more hours later she finally got to start pushing. And push and push she did, for the NEXT 4 HOURS she pushed like a champion. She was pretty nervous about this whole thing. Like she thought it was going to be the hardest part and didn't know if she could do it, but in the end I'm not sure if it's possible someone could have pushed better. I'll spare you the details, but trust me the effort was heroic. Of course because she did it so well and for so long it had to go in vain. Around 5:30 in the morning the doctor pulled the plug on pushing because our little guy just wasn't moving enough. He got himself down in the birth canal but was stuck. So she said either she could try to use a tool to suck him out or do a C section. The C section happened. By time she was out of recovery and into her room to rest about 29 hours had past. It was exhausting and grueling and I think Cora handled it better than I would have in her situation. I feel like I don't have a way to end this, like I want everyone to know about this all but I don't have a point. So I guess I will just end this like this:

Cora is my hero


gina said...

yes your wife is utterly amazing!!! thanks for sharing and your last line made me smile so so much!!

Christy said...

Yeah, Cora is a trooper. I'm so glad it's over with for you guys and you are just enjoying that little cutie. Congrats!

Philly said...

Yay & congrats! Your wife is awesome!