Monday, April 20, 2009

So I finally post

I know! This has been forever in the making. I've just been pretty exhausted lately and sadly I don't write worth poo when I'm tired. It all kind of comes out jumbled and disjointed (cough, cough, this post, cough) so I've been trying to avoid that. But now it's been over two weeks so I thought I should put something out here. I guess I'll do it in highlights.

I have started to write three posts over the last two weeks. One mushy one, one update one and one about our little guys farting habits. I used to think his farts were cute ... this is no longer the case. He went from little baby toots to full grown man gas. *tear* they grow up so fast.

So our little guy is super cute. The nurse at the pediatrician's office pulled our doctor aside and said "I know we say this all the time, but that might be the cutest baby I have ever seen". She could totally be lying ... but I don't care. I think it's true.

Our Little Guy pooped on his Paw Paw (a.k.a. Grandpa). Now no matter what your relationship with your in-laws is ... that's cosmically funny. Really it shouldn't have been as funny because her parents had been troopers all week helping out ... but I could not stop laughing. When I got home I walked up and gave our little guy a hug and was like that's my boy. As an epilogue he peed on me the next day. Apparently karma works through new born children as well.

I don't know if any dude who is reading this has had the joy, but shopping for a nursing bra is ... awesome. Poor Cora was not up for going out for a long time and needed another one. So what could I do? Goodness was that embarrassing, I would circle the section trying to avoid eye contact until everyone had left. Then I would try to discern the nursing bra's from the normal bra's before any one wondered into the section. Thankfully I only had to go to 5 stores to find one. five.

If I knew how I would write a song or a lyric poem about Cora and her exploits. Really she has been a super hero or some other kind of divine force through all of this. She keeps getting dealt set backs but manages to keep plowing through. I am not sure how to adequately express my pride and love for her through all this. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing a good enough job, but I hope to change that.

Obviously more stuff has happened, but I just wanted to throw this out there to get back in the groove. I feel like I'm getting better at sleeping so hopefully this whole writing business won't be as painful.

I have forgotten what hitting the publish post button feels like.

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